KDCA Korea Essential Oils Perfumer Certification Course/协会颁发的精油调香师资证书



【KDCA Korea Essential Oils Perfumer Certification Course】

 The KDCA Korea Essential Oils Perfumer Certification Course is certified by the Korea Design Craft Association. In By Aromatherpist’s course, additional basic knowledge of aromatherapy is added. Students can easily understand the effects of chemical molecules on the body of aroma and energy, learn to understand the types and tonal classifications of natural essential oils, so that you can better understand the characteristics of essential oils.

Do you wanna learn to create your own aroma ? ??

?Who should join KDCA Korea Essential Oils Perfumer Certification Course?

  • ✅ This course does not require aromatherapy and fragrance experience, beginners are welcome to join
  • ✅Aroma therapist
  • ✅Handicraft Instructor (Whose wanna to obtain more new different courses)
  • ✅New Entrepreneur whose wanna to start new core business
  • ✅New babies whose wanna to know better about perfumery blending.
  • ✅Student who work under too much pressure and need to decompress

?After completing the course, you can obtain the KDCA Korea Essential Oils Perfumer Certification.



Course Content:

  • ? Understanding fragrance rate and essential oil ratio to be used
  • ? Briefly olfactory fragrance type and blending characteristics
  • ? Understand the top, middle & base notes of essential oils
  • ? Learn the perfume blending calculation factor
  • ?Created 3 perfumes in class (Perfume, EDP, EDT)

  • ? BONUS : Personal handmade products making
  • ?In addition will provide 50 perfume formulas




?? What you will learns & receive :

A total of 6 different products (add on products) +  formulas + KDCA professional perfume blending skill +KDCA textbook + Student starter kit + KCDA Certificate application + 50 set of perfume blending recipes????

>Available Class Method :

  • Online Live class via zoom or google meet
  • Physical class (Johor Bahru, Malaysia) ~ for local and international student

Course Certificate Requirement :

  • ►Create 3 bottles of 30ml different type of perfume for KDCA Association to review.  (After the class, the instructor will assist in applying for the certificate.)
  • ►After completing the training and obtaining the certificate, the trainees can start conducting the classes.

Authorize Licensing Issuing :

  • ►Korea Design Craft Association 


Add on course :





< Aroma Perfume Balm/ 香氛膏/balsem pewangi







Herbarium Reed Diffuser /


Penyebar Bauan Herbarium >







< Aura Perfume Oil / 灵气香油 / Minyak Wangian Aura








Participants should prepare the following tools before class:

  • ►Electronic scales will be used in class (it can be displayed up to 0.01g), please prepare by yourself.

> Class time and date, or appointment registration:

please contact 019-7252660, or press this button Whatsapps

?Learning Modes: Theory + Practical (Individual Work)


?? KDCA协会颁发的精油调香师资证书】

課程取自韓國設計創意工會Korea Design Craft Association,學習聞香、試香、調香,教授計算香水公式,讓你不論拿到多少毫升的香水空瓶,都能計算精準的精油比例,創造出協調的香氣。By Aromatherpist的課程中,更額外加設初階的芳療知識,學員能夠輕鬆地了解化學分子對應香氣和能量對身體的影響,學習認識天然精油種類及調性分類,讓您更加認識精油的特性。



  • ✅此課程無需芳療及調香經驗,歡迎初學者參加
  • ✅香薰师
  • ✅手工艺导师(想获得更多不同课程的导师)
  • ✅想要创业的你?
  • ✅想要更好地了解香水的新宝宝。
  • ✅工作壓力太大,需要減壓的朋友

在KDCA课程里, 您将学会用30支精油来调香,创香,调制天然香水。



KDCA 是韓國設計工藝協會(Korea Design Craft Association )的簡稱,調香課程裡將介紹香水的調性、香氛分類,並用科學方式學習調香。 協會講義中並附贈五十種調香配方。 完成課程後可依協會規定開課授證。


  • 1. 從精油萃取方式,品香、識香開始教起,認識30支各種香調芳療級精油,順帶提及芳療作用。
  • 2. 調香是科學也是藝術,老師先行調出各香調示範香水,讓同學有所本的學習,而不是盲目調香。
  • 3. 透潛意識冥想,引領您尋找生命中的靈魂香氣。
  • 4.使用純天然芳療級精油。
  • 5. 课堂上实作3款香水
  • 6. bonus: 天然手作护理产品制作学习
  • 7. 另外提供50款香水配方


* 上課教材包含: 協會課本、教室講義。


??上课方式 :

~线上 ~ 线上直播教学 (zoom 或者 goggle meet)

~实体课(Johor Bahru, Malaysia)

►  制作3瓶30ml香水供KDCA协会审核,通过后,导师将协助申请证书。
► 学员结训取得证照后可以开班授课,往后可通过马来西亚授权单位协助申请发证给学生。

Korea Design Craft Association

►上课将使用电子秤 (需要可显示至0.01g), 请自行准备。

>> 上课时间日期,或预约报名:请联系 019-7252660, 或按此键 Whatsapps 


Remarks :

? For Registration:*Payment details
Payment to hongleong bank
2280 0014 593
?Blossom de Art Craft Academy
Once payment done, please share the bank in slip via WhatsApp to +60197252660

After payment, please provide the below details :
* workshop name & date :
* student name
* contact
* Payment advise slip / payment proof
  • For any cancellations after booking will incur a 20% cancellation fee.
  • Blossom do not provide any refunds or replacement classes to participants who are late to the class/cancel two days before the workshop date.
  • All the booking confirmation upon full payment.


? For enquiry please contact us at http://wasap.my/+60197252660

**? Blossom Facebook Link: https://www.facebook.com/blossom.de.artcraft.academy/

**?️Shop Location: https://maps.app.goo.gl/dNTx5QEPxEpb5xWB6

**Instructor : Shirley Lee (She is a certified Handmade soap instructor. With her passionate and creativity, I believe you will come across a fantastic day)

Qualification :

  • Taiwan Hand Art Association  * KNDA Certified Instructor    *CLAB Certified Instructor    *UKPA Perfumers
  • Professional Certificate in Napkin Decoupage *KDCA Korea Essential Oils Perfumer Certified Instructor

**The class can be conduct in bilingual (Mandarin, English or Malay)

You also can take a look for other ingredients as link Product Ingredients Archives | The Blossom


  • Share this fantastic experience with your friends !
  • Let us know how it went by leaving a review, asking a question, or uploading your experience photos.
  • For any enquiry , please contact us at +6019-7252660 or via whatsapp

#Herbarium #ReedPerfume #perfumebalm #sprayperfume #essentialoil #onlineclass #physicalclass #perfumemakingclass #perfumecourse #malaysia #johorbahru #theblossom #KDCAperfume #perfumemaking #essentialoil #香水調製 #調香 #調香體驗 #entrepreneurclass #香调 #调香 #Fragranceexperience #johorbahru #malaysia #malaysiaperfume #perfumer #perfumecourse #perfumeclass #芳療調香學 #韩国专业香水自助 #韩国认证 #KDCA天然精油调香师资课程 #KDCAEssentialOilsPerfumerCertification


Additional information


English Version, Chinese Version (华文)


Basic, Add On

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