[ Aura Bath Salt Spa Dried Floral ]
Aura Bath Salt Spa Dried Floral Therapy Bath Salts – LUCKY CHARM/????? ????/??? ???? is special designed from high quality of Himalayan salts blended with premium 7 different flowers and five elements colors which are believed to be very amazing aura to increase your personal charm inside out.
>>> Seven Flower Mandi Bunga/Kaffir Lime/Bath Packet for Buang Suay Bad Luck/Bath Salt Spa Dried Floral/Epsom Himalayan Salt/Garam Rendam Mandi <<<
>>> What is Aura ?
The aura has long been described as an electromagnetic energy field that surrounds people like an egg-shaped ball of energy that encompasses the body. The aura consists of seven levels/layers/auric bodies, also known as the physical, astral, lower, higher, spiritual, intuitional, and absolute planes. They are interrelated, and each body affects the others. They also affect a person’s feelings, emotions, thought patterns, behavior, and overall health.
This natural product is made with Himalayan Salt Blends & seven different dried flowers with KAFFIR LIME, which are infused and programmed with positive intentions to wash away bad luck (buang suay) and negativity from the person. ‘Mandi Bunga’ or Flower Bath.
In today’s modern and fast living lifestyle, it is often difficult to go around to look for seven different flowers to perform this bath. This Aura Bath Salt Spa Dried Floral Therapy Bath Salts is created for easy use and you can have it anytime and anywhere, unlike the normal Mandi Bunga. [You may storage at home and use it when needed.]
>> “Salt” is considered good luck by many cultures in the world. In order to get rid of many forms of bad luck
???? ?? ????? ?????? Whenever you feel your luck is bad, or feel like everything is not going as it should be. Or even if things go wrong with loved ones, family, or friends, this is when you should consider doing a Mandi Bunga to Buang Suay.
* Blended with Himalayan Salt Blends & seven different dried flowers with KAFFIR LIME
** Skin Type: All skin types/Normal / Dry / Sensitive Skin
** Aroma Scents :100% Natural Essential Oils Blends
[ Benefits : ]
- Aura cleansing & healing
- Helps to attract positive energy & good luck
- Boost your self-confidence
- Relaxing & stress relieves
- Helps to unleash your self-potential
- Helps increase glow and beauty from within.
[??? ?? use Aura Bath Salt Spa Dried Floral Therapy Bath Salts/????? ??????]
- Just before you take your bath/shower or Use to soak the body in the bath tub.
- Prepare a small pail or bucket of warm water / bath tub for body soaking
- Pour in Aura Bath Salt Spa Dried Floral Therapy Bath Salts in the pail/bucket/bath tub. Mix it around, then take your bath/shower
- Turning your mind set to “Positive Thinking”
- Rinse off with your shower
- Pick up the bath dried floral and dispose/throw of it outside your house
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• (1) x Aura Bath Salt Spa Dried Floral Therapy Bath Salts Packet
• It is only for one (1) time use (Sekali Pakai) per packet
• Weight : 220g/packet
[ Ingredients: ]
Epsom Salt, Organic Himalayan Pink Salt, Coarse Salt, Natural Essential Oil Blends, Natural Plant Powder, Natural Dried Rose Petal mixed
>> Remarks :
- Extra 2 empty pouches/uncang for extra use more than 2 times.
You also can take a look for other “TheBlossom” series of products as link Product Ingredients Archives | The Blossom
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#Natural #Handmade #theblossom #Aura #BathSalt #Spa #DriedFloral #Therapy #BathSalts #LUCKYCHARM #????????? #getrid???????